
Department of Botany
Situated in the beautiful panorama of the Campus of RPS Degree College offers three year B.Sc program . The Department of Botany was founded in 2012 (i.e. the birth year of the college), the department of Botany is one of the leading departments of RPS Degree College. It has on its faculty highly competent and efficient members. Several faculty members are recipients of awards and honours of high academic repute.
The department has good laboratory facilities for carrying out practical knowledge of the fields such as: Plant Biochemistry, Plant and Molecular Biology, Various Techniques like Chromatography, Electrophoresis and Spectrometry etc.
The library of the Botany department has excellent collection of books, research journals; it occupies a special position of pride in the department. The Department runs special coaching programme for IIT JAM, BARC, TIFR, NBRC, JGEEBILS, CDRI, NDRI etc.