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Chegg Inc.

Chegg Inc.

Chegg, Inc. is an American education technology company based in Santa Clara, California that offers online textbook rentals (both physical and digital), as well as homework help, online tutoring, and scholarship and internship matching. Cheggs core offerings target students attending high school and college in the United States. The company was created in 2001 by three Iowa State University students.


• Enrolled as a student in Bachelors, Masters or Doctorate degree programs in the respective field of study.

• This opportunity is NOT restricted to final year (semester) students.

The hiring process shall progress through the following steps;

  1. Finalization of date for campus hiring drive

  2. Process flow for student registration is mentioned below

Step 1 – Registration

Step 2 – Subject Test

Step 3 – Going through guideline training document

Step 4 – Guidelines Test

Step 5 – Upload Verification documents

Step 6 – Acceptance of engagement terms and conditions